KiCam Welcomes New Authors: Laura Dewire and Kailen Offutt

KiCam is thrilled to announce that Laura Dewire and Kailen Offutt have joined our publishing family. Their book, tentatively titled “A Corner of Heaven,” will be released in January 2017.

Laura and Kailen form a unique partnership: Laura was Kailen’s first-grade teacher when a piece of art drawn by Kailen got Laura’s attention.

“The assignment was to have each child create a portrait of his or her family,” Laura says. “In the upper right-hand corner of Kailen’s paper, a small baby was depicted with a figure who looked like Jesus. ‘This is my family,’ she said. ‘Most of us live on Earth, but my baby brother, Kulen, lives in heaven with God.’ It was both heartbreaking and touching to see that small angel in the corner of that paper.”

Kailen’s drawing inspired Laura to write a children’s book that would pair with Kailen’s illustrations and provide a comforting resource for families experiencing the loss of a pregnancy or the death of a newborn child. 

“Kailen’s drawing got me thinking about the pain these parents must feel when tasked with sharing this tragic news with their other children,” Laura says. “What if there were a book that could be used as a tool to help break the news? A book with pictures and language that are appropriate for young minds and hearts. The tragic loss of a child is unthinkable, but it is my sincere wish that this book can be a beacon of hope for families: a shining light from a corner of heaven.”

Welcome to the family, Laura and Kailen! We know this book will touch the hearts of, and help bring healing to, readers of all ages.

A portion of the proceeds from “A Corner of Heaven” will benefit Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep, which provides remembrance photography for grieving parents.

KiCam Welcomes New Author: Keith Maginn

KiCam Projects is thrilled to welcome Keith Maginn to our publishing family!

Keith, an accomplished self-published author, will bring out his first project with KiCam in September. Keith has a knack for finding the extraordinary in the everyday, for bringing to light the amazing stories that sometimes hide within each of us.

Think of the people you know. Would you be surprised to find out that one was a drug addict who now mentors young men? What would you say if an acquaintance revealed he’d survived a plane crash and completely rethought his life and priorities? Do you have a friend who seemed to be living the American dream before her life was altered by a tragedy?

Keith’s book will share these stories and many more, inviting you into the anything-but-ordinary lives of people just like you and me.

Keith, like KiCam, believes everyone has a story to tell. That’s what inspires him as a writer:

“The people I admire aren’t perfect. They are flawed. They are, in a word, human. I can relate to someone like that. We pull for the underdog and, every so often, they prevail against all odds.”

We look forward to sharing these inspiring stories with you this fall!

KiCam Welcomes New Author: Michèle Swiderski

SwiderskiKiCam is proud to welcome 2017 author Michèle Swiderski to our publishing family!

Michèle, from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, will release her first book in February, sharing her 10-year journey through depression and anxiety to a place of peace and wholeness.

After three extended leaves from work, Michèle devoted herself to getting well and staying well. To do so, she took a new approach, surrendering to a Higher Spirit. As she writes, “I had nothing to lose.”

In her book, Michèle will detail the work and discipline it took to commit to caring for herself and focusing on Spirit, wherever it led her. She offers examples of how she retrained her thinking, the techniques she used for visualizing her successes, some of her daily affirmations, samples of her journal writing and personal blog, and other details that will help readers understand Michèle’s path and chart their own.

Tom Harpur, author of “The Pagan Christ,” already has endorsed Michèle’s work:

Refreshingly honest, this book offers a first-hand grappling with one of the most insidious afflictions of our time. This is not about theory, but a painful, raw struggle and how Michèle Swiderski saved her own life using a constructive, hands-on approach. By laying bare her own intimate journey, she has laid down a practical wisdom that offers genuine hope.    

We couldn’t be more excited to bring Michèle’s book to readers in the United States, Canada and around the world!

KiCam Welcomes New Author: Kristin Bartzokis

KiCam Projects is delighted to introduce one of our new 2017 authors, Kristin Bartzokis.

Kristin is a phenomenal writer whose blog, “Diary of a Beautiful Disaster,” is candid, powerful and, indeed, beautifully conceived and executed.

Born with Treacher Collins Syndrome, a craniofacial abnormality, Kristin has spent her life creating her own definition of who she is and who she is meant to be. She is a runner, an explorer, a gymnast and an artist, a strong woman determined not to be held back by any supposed limitations.

Kristin’s writing is something to which we all can relate: We all have vulnerabilities, self-doubt and challenges. We all wonder how, or if, we fit in, and we sometimes feel alone in our struggles, as if no one else can understand.

Kristin’s book, coming in March 2017, will help each of us embrace our uniqueness and find the confidence to accept ourselves. 

Welcome to the KiCam family, Kristin!