The Beauty of Diversity
One of the core beliefs behind our mission at KiCam Projects is that everyone has a great story to tell. (Our forthcoming book, (Extra)Ordinary: Inspirational Stories of Everyday People, is a testament to that!)
And when we say “everyone,” we truly mean “everyone.” As we round out plans for our first 18 months of publishing, we have authors and collaborators who are men and women; who range from grade-school age to the retirement years; who are white, black, and Latina; who are married and single; who live all across the United States, as well as in Canada; and who represent a variety of faith traditions and spiritual beliefs.
We write about this not to pat ourselves on the back, but because the diversity of our authors simply underscores that every single human being has something important to say. Each story is different, entirely unique, and worth sharing. A great story can be found in rural Ohio or in a large East Coast city. The trick is to look for it.
The news of late, both in the United States and around the world, has been terribly discouraging. That’s why we feel it’s more important than ever to celebrate stories of survival and recovery, to highlight strength, courage, and the will to overcome the seemingly insurmountable.
We believe that when you look for the positive in the world, you usually find it. And the best part is, you can find it in everyone, regardless of what he or she looks like or where he or she lives.
The beauty of diversity is that each of us is part of it. We’re each a thread in the timeless fabric of humanity; no one is exactly like any other individual.
Our differences, thankfully, are the very things that can unite us, and KiCam Projects is honored to play even a small part in bringing people together and honoring diversity.