Welcome New Author: Peter Bowling Anderson
KiCam Projects is delighted to welcome Peter Bowling Anderson to our family of authors!
Peter’s book, which will publish in September 2019, shares the inspiring and humorous story of his time working for, and becoming friends with, Richard Herrin, a middle-aged man with cerebral palsy. Richard overcame a lifetime of obstacles to earn multiple degrees and become a gifted motivational speaker. Peter worked full-time for Richard for five years, tutoring him, feeding him, dressing him, and taking care of him in every other way.
“I learned many invaluable insights from him, not just about the best ways to care for the physical and emotional needs of someone with CP, but also about perseverance, joy, and the proper perspective on life,” Peter says. “He’d experienced much over the years and possessed a wealth of wisdom. The book is about how limitations should never be placed on someone, either by others or by the individual, simply because of a physical challenge or disorder.”
Peter, who lives in Shreveport, Louisiana, has a master’s degree in communications/writing as well as a master’s in teaching (English, sixth-twelfth grades), and his work has appeared in The Connect Magazine, MotherVerse: A Journal of Contemporary Motherhood, Goodtaste International Magazine, Because We Write Magazine, and Ezine Articles. Peter shares his life with his wife, Leslie; son, Henry; and daughter, Clementine.
Peter’s story is heartfelt, poignant, and laugh-out-loud funny in places! We’re absolutely thrilled to bring this book to readers around the world.
Welcome to the family, Peter!