Welcome New Author: Brandi Wallace-Gill

Brandi Wallace-Gill with her husband, Andrew, and daughters Lexi and Drew.
KiCam Projects is thrilled to welcome Brandi Wallace-Gill to our family of authors!
Brandi will be publishing her first children’s book in time for the start of the new school year.
Drew Is Just Like YOU! tells the story of Brandi’s younger daughter, Drew, who was born without a left hand and part of her left arm.
Despite her physical difference, Drew is an active, energetic force of nature who succeeds at everything she does! As she prepares to begin school in August, Drew and her mom want everyone to feel comfortable around Drew and to welcome her into all of their activities.
They have the same dream for all kids born with differences—that their schools and communities will look beyond the physical to see the wonder in every child!
So, what can Drew do? She loves softball, soccer, and swimming, and she even shows pigs at the county fair every year. She’s learned to ride a bike and tie her shoes, making it clear to everyone along the way that there’s no stopping her!
Brandi, a reading teacher at Hamersville (Ohio) Elementary School, couldn’t be more proud of her little girl.
And we at KiCam couldn’t be more proud to welcome Brandi—and Drew— to our family of authors!