Welcome New Author: Sanja Kulenovic
KiCam Projects is delighted to welcome Sanja Kulenovic to our family of authors!
Sanja’s book, which will publish in September 2019, tells the story of the Bosnian War through the lens of Sanja’s own family. Having grown up in Bosnia, Sanja was in California on her honeymoon when war broke out in her homeland in 1992. As the country of Yugoslavia broke up, Sanja and her husband, Djeno, found themselves stateless refugees, worried about their family and loved ones who were suffering thousands of miles away.
Sanja’s book includes heartfelt letters sent from her loved ones who lived daily with the horrors and uncertainty of war. Meanwhile, Sanja and Djeno worked to build a life from scratch, forced to take on menial jobs while they waited to hear if they would be granted the right to stay in the United States.
Today, Sanja lives in Southern California, where she works as a financial analyst. She and Djeno are parents to two adult daughters, and all are proud to be both Bosnian and American. Sanja supports the Bosana Foundation, which provides scholarships and other programs for Bosnian students in Bosnia.
Sanja’s book reminds us of the horrors of war and the dangers of division. It’s also an inspiring story of resilience and determination. As Sanja’s daughters told her, “You refused to live like a refugee. You built a wonderful and successful life for yourself and your family.”
We’re proud and excited to publish this book, which puts a personal face on recent world history and encourages all readers to fight through whatever obstacles they might face.
Welcome to the KiCam family, Sanja!