What Makes a Great Story?
What are your favorite kinds of stories to read, watch or listen to?
Classically, we’re taught about protagonists and antagonists, with a climactic third act followed by a resolution that ties everything together and satisfies our need for closure.
In reality, though, we all come to learn that our lives’ stories rarely follow the structure the ancients Greeks intended. Heroes and anti-heroes become less clear-cut, and the concept of closure often is replaced by uncertainty, resignation or the acceptance that an ongoing process might be more important (or more feasible) than a finite result.
The most compelling dramas, in this day and age, are less about a basic notion of good triumphing over evil and more about individual journeys paved with countless personal reckonings—some large and seemingly insurmountable, and some so small they appear inconsequential.
Those are the kinds of stories KiCam Projects wants to tell. We want to shine a light on the everyday person who becomes a hero to others by continuing to struggle against demons or challenges that can’t be overcome in a grandiose battle scene. We want to dispel the notion of the “average person” by highlighting the uniqueness of everyone’s personal story. And we want to remind the world that each of us has something special to give, something no one else can contribute in exactly the same way.
What’s your story? What have you been through and learned? How can you inform and inspire readers or viewers?
If you have a manuscript, script or synopsis, please send it, along with a cover letter, to submissions@kicamprojects.com for our team to review.