Welcome New Author: Jessica K. Baker

KiCam Projects is delighted to welcome Jessica K. Baker to our family of authors! Jessica’s young adult novel, Opiate Jane, will release in November 2019. Based on Jessica’s own experience with loved ones battling addiction, Opiate Jane follows a teen-aged girl forced to move to rural Ohio after being reunited with her mother, who’s gotten […]

Welcome New Author: Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta

KiCam Projects is delighted to welcome Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta to our family of authors! Maryanne’s self-help book, Be (Extra)Ordinary: Ten Ways to Become Your Own Hero, will publish in October 2019. Maryanne draws on her experiences as a survivor of bullying to empower readers to embrace their uniqueness and achieve their personal and professional dreams. A […]

Aimee Ross

Author Post: An Open Letter to the Young Man Who Almost Killed Me

Aimee Ross published Permanent Marker: A Memoir in 2018, and in the following excerpt, Aimee writes an open letter to the intoxicated young man who crashed into Aimee’s car, nearly killing her and her young passengers. An Open Letter to the Young Man Who Almost Killed Me and My Daughters Dear Zachary, I’m writing this letter to […]

Salvation on Death Row cover

Author Post: 5 Reasons I Know God Has a Purpose for Every Life

John T. Thorngren, author of Salvation on Death Row: The Pamela Perillo Story, believes firmly that every life is meaningful and worthy, no matter what a person’s background might be. That belief was at the core of his desire to work with Pamela and share the story of her Christian conversion. Here, John writes about what […]

Aimee Ross

Author Post: On Writing and Nearly Dying Twice

Aimee Ross published Permanent Marker: A Memoir in March 2018. She completed her MFA in Creative Non-Fiction Writing at Ashland University in 2014, and her writing has been published on lifein10minutes.com and SixHens.com, as well as in Beauty around the World: A Cultural Encyclopedia, Scars: An Anthology, Today I Made a Difference: A Collection of Inspirational Stories from […]

Barbara Moran

Q&A with Author Barbara Moran

Barbara Moran is a graphic artist from Topeka, Kansas, who was not diagnosed with autism until she was in her early forties. She has spoken at autism conferences, and her artwork has been exhibited by Visionaries + Voices, at Bryn Mawr’s annual Art Ability show, and at the MIND Institute at the University of California-Davis. […]